Hats down the journey  of  Mr. Pratip Dutta

Mr Pratip Dutta wasn’t really into cricket at first he was into studies and at the start he wanted to be a doctor instead of a cricket coach which he is at present.

When Mr. Pratip Dutta was at 4 standards or so one day when he was just sitting he saw a few of his elder brothers from his society playing cricket in the colony and for some reason, he decided to join them after a while he started enjoying that game and didn’t want to stop, he continued that for like few days by looking at his interest in cricket his parents decided to give him admission in one of the nearby cricket coaching academy to let him understand and learn this game more properly.

 Not very later Mr. Pratip Dutta started to love that game so much that when his desire to be a Doctor changed to a cricketer he didn’t even realise. Mr. Pratip Dutta began to give his 100% effort in that game and his growth was taking a peak at a very early stage, he was fully dedicated to what he wanted to do in this field shortly, and because of that dedication, it didn’t take him much longer to be selected for his first ever tournament match which was U-16 boys district.

He was still way too young to be selected in the team but his great performance as a batter really impressed the selector and he directly got selected in the team. He also didn’t step back from showing his talent to others and got man of the match 3 times in the same tournament.

Hats down the journey  of  Mr. Pratip Dutta

Beginning of Coaching journey of Mr. Pratip Dutta

Hats down the journey  of  Mr. Pratip Dutta

After the U-16 district it was time for the state tournament where because of his health issue he did not get selected Mr. Pratip Dutta needed to wait a year for the next state match but this time he actually nailed his trials and got selected in the next round, after clearing all the rounds finally he was in the main 11 and was able to play for the state again their he tried his best to show his caliber in front of others and fortunately he did it he scored well in all the matches he have played and 2  time got awarded by man of the match.

 After U -16 it was time for U-19  and like that, he kept on clearing all the rounds and age groups properly his cricket career was a successful one but unfortunately, he couldn’t make it to the international level which India’s main 11 at that time there wasn’t must scope as well which we have now as a player and also he was severely got injured in the shoulder because of which he couldn’t play U-23 boys before the injury he was playing many other tournaments under the senior team.

But after the injury, he was asked by NCL to go for the coaching line instead of being in as a player so he was sent to take coaching training at the beginning of 2009 at the beginning of his career he didn’t take his career that professionally nor he was involved in coaching fully he uses to do it just for his passion and also because he always wanted to be attached with cricket. But after 2016 he completely entered the world of cricket as a coach because this time he took the coaching very seriously and professionally after that he fully got into coaching he got the chance to teach multiple players from different places and zones.


In conclusion, there is a saying that if you try to win then you surely can but for that, you need pure dedication and willingness to achieve something in life then you surely can but for that, you need to be first focused on it. Nothing is impossible if you’re willing to do so and from Mr Pratip Dutta’s story we all can understand and can get motivated to do something in our lives.

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