
Dodgeball is a team sport in which players have to dodge or catch the balls thrown by their opponents whilst attempting to hit their opponent in the same way. Basically, the goal of each team is to eliminate all the members of the opposing team by hitting them with thrown balls, catch the ball thrown at them by the opposing team or lead the opponents to break the rules, such as stepping outside the court. There are three basic forms of dodgeball that children are playing: one team against another team, a player against other players, or every player for himself. In the United States, there is also a very popular adaptation of the sport, called circle dodgeball.
The version is played using a circular court. A team is positioned outside the court and the other inside. The one outside gets the ball or balls and has to hit the opponents. The team inside must avoid the thrown balls. The players who are hit with the ball are out of the game and if those inside the court succeed to catch the ball, the thrower is out of the game and the person who caught the ball can try to hit someone from the outside circle. The last surviving player wins.

History of Dodgeball

Dodgeball was originally played in Africa over two hundred years ago, but instead of the fun, jocular game that it is today, it was in fact a deadly game. Instead of using soft, rubber balls, the game was actually played with large rocks or putrefied matter, and it was used as an intense work out for the tribes, where each competitor would attempt to hit their opponent with the rock to injury or incapacitate them. Once a player was hit, they would attempt to be pelted by further rocks to finish them off. It would be the responsibility of the team mates of the fallen competitor to try and defend him and force the attackers off with their own rocks. This would said to be a great way to encourage the tribesman to work together during skirmishes against other tribes, working to take out the weak and protect their own. In 1884, St. Mary’s College played host to a number of their colleagues from Yale University. Included within that party was Phillip Ferguson. Philip Ferguson is generally regarded as the person most responsible for taking dodgeball over to America and popularizing it. He saw the boys of St. Mary’s College playing and he hit upon an idea for the game that would make it quicker and faster. He brought in the idea of playing within a set area, with teams on either side of the pitch. Once the sport made it back across the pond to America, it was there that the details of the sport we know today were fleshed out. 1905 saw the first official rules drawn up, which included the rules regarding players coming in after a catch and being hit once and you were out. With the colleges across America playing each other, it enabled the sport to spread like wildfire. 

Advantages of Dodgeball

The following are some of the main health advantages of dodgeball:
Enhanced cardiac fitness: Dodgeball is a fast-paced, high-intensity game that necessitates players to move and change sides frequently. This kind of exercise can help to strengthen the heart and lungs and is excellent for enhancing cardiovascular fitness.

Improved agility and coordination: Dodgeball players have to be able to predict their opponents’ moves, avoid approaching balls, and throw accurately. Enhancing balance, agility, and coordination are all beneficial for general physical fitness.

Enhanced strength and power: Using force when throwing a dodgeball calls for the activation of several muscle groups, including the arms, legs, and core. Playing dodgeball can therefore aid in developing strength and power in these regions.

Stress reduction: Usually, exercise is an excellent way to lower stress and enhance mental health. Dodgeball is a fast-paced, competitive game that can make you feel successful and relax. Playing the game is no different.

Social Interaction: Dodgeball is a team sport which promotes cooperation and social interaction. Playing with people can foster friendships while improving social skills.


Rules and Equipment of Dodgeball


Before they play in their first game of the season, every player must sign a registration form. The document contains the league’s rules regarding sportsmanship and responsibility. The center will have hard copies of the form available.
In dodgeball, the objective is to remove the other team’s players from the game by either hitting them with a live ball or by catching live balls that the other team has thrown.

Each player must touch the appropriate back net with at least one foot to begin a game.

Twelve dodgeballs will be placed down the centerline by the referee, three on each side of the court. When the referee strikes the whistle to begin play, players may dash to seize the three balls to their right.

Players are permitted to cross the midline during the opening rush only.
Players must retreat and cross the attack line before making their first throw, or can pass balls back to teammates positioned behind the attack line. Two feet must be behind the attack line for a throw to be valid.


The official ball used in league play will be a 15cm diameter rubber-coated foam ball.
All players must wear closed shoes, no exceptions.
Participants must wear a top and shorts/pants without any sharp metal parts.
Sweatbands are recommended.
No jewellery of any kind may be worn during play. This includes necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, etc.


“To put it all up, dodgeball is an exciting and dynamic activity that provides a special blend of mental and physical demands. Dodgeball has changed over time, from its ancient origins into modern tournaments, becoming a skill-based, strategic, and cooperative game. Dodgeball is a great way to remain active, meet new people, and push yourself, whether you play it for fun or in contest.

So get everyone together, form a team, and get ready to jump, duck, and dodge your way to a happier, healthier version of yourself. Recall that the excitement of the game, the surge of adrenaline, and the joy of playing with others are of greater significance in dodgeball than winning or losing.

Now let’s play ball and see for ourselves what fun this game provides. You never know.


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